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User Experience Design

10 Best Practices

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Design It

For Mobile

  • More than 53% of global website traffic is generated through mobile phones. In North America, 30% (and climbing) of mobile web users are mobile-only. Sites should be purpose-built for mobile screens.

  • Small screen sizes force ruthless decision-making: prioritizing the most important items down to the least during the design process yields a stronger UX overall.

  • Keep in mind capabilities that are unique to mobile: GPS, direct dial, gestures, others.

Design Mobile Design Mobile
  • Small screen sizes force ruthless decision-making: prioritizing the most important items down to the least yields a stronger UX overall.

  • Keep in mind capabilities unique to mobile: GPS, direct dial, gestures, others.



The Thumb Zone

In Mind

Nearly 50% of smartphone tasks are executed with one hand - not cradled and not two-handed.
Navigation should be adapted for the thumb to reach all, or most parts, of the screen.


The Thumb Zone

In Mind

Nearly 50% of smartphone tasks are executed with one hand - not cradled, and not two-handed.
Navigation should be adapted for the thumb to reach all, or most, parts of the screen.
Bar Decoration Bar Decoration Bar Decoration




  • A website should trigger the same emotions and reactions on every screen. Responsive design maintains a consistent experience across all devices.

  • Second screen-ready.

  • Search engine-friendly.

  • Future-proof (vs. new hardware releases).

Responsive design for several devices
Tasks Ckeck Icon



It’s the law in many places:
  • 16% of North Americans have a disability.

  • Website accessibility is the law in many places in North America and Europe, including Ontario.

  • Many companies now design to WCAG 2.1 AA.

It’s good business:
  • 70% of customers will leave a website that doesn’t meet their accessibility needs.

  • Coding for accessibility standards also benefits abled users by mitigating noisy environments & screen glare.

  • Between disabled, aging and situational users, accessible design can improve user experiences (and conversion) for more than 40% of your online audiences.

Is your website compliant?


+ Accessible

= Conversion-Centric

A UX leveraging both responsive and accessible design will ensure all users, browsing from any device, and from any location will have a strong brand experience.
The goal is to provide a compelling brand experience irrespective of:
  • Who the user is.

  • Where they are.

  • What device they are using.

Conversion-centric UX design results in:
  • Higher time spent on site.

  • Lower bounce rates.

  • Less user effort.

Responsive + Accessible = Conversion-C




A robust site search makes information easily accessible for users.

There are several approaches to consider, and helps drive conversion.

  • Predictive Search (example - Google) enhances the UX by suggesting search terms as the user types. It decreases typing and allows users to reach information faster.

  • Filtered Search (example - Amazon) allows user multiple options for what or where to search for an item within the site.

  • Featured/Suggested Search (example - B & H Photo Video) highlights specific items across several categories, and can also include a variety of rich content, such as images.

Robust Site Search
Robust Site Search
Interaction Design



A carefully-crafted and compelling interaction design enables users to have an enjoyable - and intuitive - site.

Done right, interaction design is a seamless surprise & delight experience.

  • Guided motion features gentle nudges, swipes, and animations as the user scrolls.

  • Parallax effects use multiple backgrounds which seem to move at different speeds to create a sensation of depth.

Interaction Design
Best Practices Laptop



Creating SEO success for a website is a complex process that touches on every part of a site’s build: content creation, design and coding:

Organize content in clear silos:

  • Always consider headlines, tagline, body copy and keywords with a pages’s content.

  • Make sure all (or most) content is accessible within 2 cliks of the Higher placement in a site’s structure illustrates priority and importance.

  • Structure URLs in an obvious way to make it easy for search engines to index content.

  • Don't forget to create a complete and effective sitemap (and a 404 page).

Best Practices Laptop
Large Photography



Large images, that take up most of the initial load area, are the biggest trend in site design over the past 2 years.

They create great visual impact.

Quality images are a must to pull this off properly.

Large Photography
Typography in the Designs



& Copy

Typography should have a purpose and be scannable.

Users don’t want to read large blocks of copy. They want to get at the information they are looking for without having to spend more than a few seconds looking for it.

Copy should:

  • Be clear.

  • Guide users down the right path.

  • Be scannable.

Typography in the Designs

Go easy

on carrousels

Although rotating image carousels (a.k.a. sliders) are a popular design device on many sites, they can hinder conversion.

  • Content delivered through carousels, although deemed important by site owners, is often missed by users, because of banner blindness: users often believe sliders look like ads, and have an aversion to clicking on them - often on content that is not first in the rotation.

  • Users can also be distracted by too much movement on the page - and annoyed when they sense losing perceived control of the user experience from images shifting automatically.

Much better to use a single image that features content of high importance - or even better, a video.


If you have any questions or need help with any digital projects please Contact Us.

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